"Back to Life"
January 11th -13th 1991
Chantilly, VA
24 separate audio files for download, the equivalent of 24 audio CD's.
After purchase, you will be e-mailed the links to download the files. You will have 72 hours to download the files and then the links in the email will stop working.
CD 1 friday night open Debbie.mp3
CD 2 Banquet Speaker Bob M.mp3
CD 3 spiritual awakening Sunday Speaker Dick B.mp3
CD 4 First Time Convention Out of Isolation Marie and Jimmy B.mp3
CD 5 Sponsorship and Sponsee Judy S and Solvieg A.mp3
CD 6 Learning to Trust Oma and Dave R..mp3
CD 7 Growing up in recovery Nigel B and Leslie C.mp3
CD 8 Balance in recovery.mp3
CD 9 Getting out of Gods way.mp3
CD 10 Abuse in Recovery Mike L and Bill I.mp3
CD 11 Humility not Humiliation.mp3
CD 13 New Symptoms Same Disease Kathy R and Tom C.mp3
CD 15 Taking your own Inventory Ronnie B and Gianell.mp3
CD 16 Willingness without Reservation Marcia and.mp3
CD 17 Resolving Resentments.mp3
CD 18 Grief in Recovery Linda I and Bill H.mp3
CD 19 Medication in Recovery Terry O and Carrie J.mp3
CD 20 How do i treat addicts who relapse Lenox C and Kevin B.mp3
CD 21 Principles before Personalities Ralph W and Carol O.mp3
CD 22 Unity Together We Can Connie and Rick H.mp3
CD 23 Member of Society NA and Outward Becky N and Stan M.mp3
CD 24 Leadership vs Control.mp3
CD 25 Service not just a job an adventure Jack and Steve B.mp3
CD 26 Literature Workshop Ted L.mp3