"Twenty five years of Miracles"
CD 1 Friday Speaker Mike V.mp3
CD 12 Relationships Shelby J and Alan A.mp3
CD 17 How It Works Jean W and Sherry V.mp3
CD 18 Dealing With Multiple Disease Billy W and Larry S.mp3
CD 19 Traditions Protectiong Us From Ourselves Brian Yellow Eyes Amanda H.mp3
CD 20 Love or Lust Daryl M and Harvey H.mp3
CD 21 Getting Out From Behind The Mask Maiszie H and Dawn W.mp3
CD 22 Social Acceptability does not Equal Recovery Don V and Darnell J.mp3
CD 23 Friday Opening Panel Leah H Nancy S Kevin M Susan G.mp3
CD 24 Why are we Here Greg H and Jimmy C.mp3
CD 25 Breaking the Cycle Building Families Mike P and Walter R.mp3
CD 26 Making Mountains out of Molehills Burrell P and Robert R.mp3
CD 27 Conforting With Love Erin T and John C.mp3
CD 28 Vicious Triangle Fear Anger Resentment Matthew and Linda C.mp3
CD 29 Freedom Aint Free Carol P and Decella A.mp3
CD 30 Long Distance Sponsorship Bob J and Peter S.mp3